Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Is there a recipe for heavy's sandvich?! If there is, report it to me immediately! SANDVICH IS SO MOIST AND DELICIOUS. I love the sandvich. So far, I just make it out of Bologna!  So if anyone, anyone finds a recipe for sandvich, report it to me immediately. By the way, here is meet the sandvich.

Moist And Delicious, Hahaha. As the heavy says. By the way, don't drink the demoman's scottish handshake. If you do, you'll probably wake up on your ceiling fan with a killer hangover. That stuff is strong.
Strong and old. By the way, I don't drink.
Crit-A-Cola is filled with liquid plutonium. With a grape flavor to hide the bitter taste. I don't know how the scout can gulp it down. Fishcake contains fish bones. Careful. LAWL AND BYE.

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