Sunday, March 30, 2014

Holy Jebus Pants.

I forgot to make another post on March 9! God-dang-diggidy-dong-doggle-dang-ding-dong-dangle-ding-dong-sexual innuendo-dong!

I have been preoccupied with mah new games, which include CS:GO and Skullgirls. Probably the coolest games I played so far.

And I got lucky and bought Blood Money for about $2. Basically, I was rich. Until now. Visit me at 15th Bimbo Street Ave, where I will be living in the black colored cardboard box. Except that I have a family to support me, as I'm still 14, so I guess that black colored cardboard box is now for rent.

I also got Rust, but I made the mistake of joining the TOKYO server. Turns out that there's a cult of Koreans there, and they're extremely religious about their race, and they will stop at nothing to exterminate all non-Koreans. I would be happy if there were actually Korean gamers that actually aren't racist, but sadly, no. So I became racist too and declared war on all Korean gamers, with the handful of Japanese, Malaysian and Chinese players. We had an army of about 5 players. And they had all the rest of the players. There were about 50 players in the server. But I retained my dignity.

And my CS:GO adventures were pretty good. I didn't start off very well, with all the ragers on my team, but I survived. And I learned how to rush people with the P90. Screw life, I'm going to bet it all! JUST TRY AND HEADSHOT ME.

I sucked at Skullgirls though. But the jazz. Da jazz. I always come back for the jazz. And eventually I got good. Okay, I lied. I'm still pretty bad. BUT I'M BETTER!

I finished Underhell. It has the second best music in any game I've ever seen. First place goes to...

Black Mesa. Of course.

But Underhell gets number one in music placement. Especially the MGPS moment! I loved switching on the MGPS, cause whenever you switch on the generator, the music gets less creepy and more... umm... actiony?

If you guys are actually going to comment on a blog post made by an narcissistic 14 year old who has no friends, then please comment about who you went with in the final part of Underhell, if you played it. If not, then go play it right now. I went with Bryan and Junior, and fought zambies.

Underhell has great atmosphere for a horror game. I don't find it as scary as Amnesia though, which I refuse to play no matter what. 

The horror games I've finished to date: Estranged, Underhell, Dead Space 3...

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Whatever.

Anyway, that's all the time I have for today! Goodbye! Adios! Auf Weidersehen!