Tuesday, July 1, 2014




TF2's new update is the best thing since sliced bread.

Insert witty bread pun about TF2's new update here.

This TF2 update: New Overpowered weapons that will inevitably be nerfed in a future update!
Buy them now from traders for the very overpriced price of 1 refined! Seriously. Crafting the weapons is actually cheaper this time. I crafted the Back Scatter for 1 reclaimed 2 scrap. I used 2 scrap to buy the shortstop and crit-a-cola, and crafted it using the 1 reclaimed, shortstop, and crit-a-cola. It's also the only weapon in the update that actually is balanced, other than the classic.

B.A.S.E Jumper + Air Strike = 2OP4U

The thing I'm hyping over now is the End Of The Line TF2 Community Update, coming soon!

Anyway, back to TF2 Jailbreak! Cya!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I created a webbysite!

Well, not one that's live. Take a look at this screencap!
Interesting, no? Made it with Dreamweaver. And no, I do not have a watermelon fetish. No, I do not watch My Ordinary Life. But I have heard of it.

Anyway, just uploading this to show this off, and to show you that I'm still alive, this blog's still alive, and I love you. That applies to anyone that views this page. You have my blessing.

Anyway, I hope you liked, and see you later maybe!
Sorry to cut it short.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

YAY! I just remembered I had a blog! Also, my most anticipated games list. Also, a long title.

Which kinda makes me an ignorant d-bag. Anyway, been checking out the new games of 2014, and for you PC lovers like me, here are some ones to look forward to, and some to get RIGHT NOW!

Child Of Light:

If you didn't know about Child Of Light, then shame on you. Uplay is the only disadvantage of this game, it's all good from there. Only 14.99 on Steam, this game is an absolute masterpiece. I've played about 5 hours, and it's made quite an impression on me. And the music. Man, the music. I searched around for the music, and found a youtube vid. Not mine, but enjoy.
Child Of Light Battle Music
So what is this game exactly? It's a platformer/RPG, made with the same engine as Rayman Legends.
It's a kid-friendly game, so if you're a random father looking for a game to play with your child that just happened to find my blog ("What are the chances of that") then maybe you should play this instead of the new Call Of The Elder Scrolls: Advanced Battlefield: Episode 3 that's coming out this Augteober.
It has Final Fantasy-Type combat, with a catch! It can't be explained with just one sentence, and I don't have many minutes left to write this post, so just search it.

Hello again. In case you didn't know, I was writing this post yesterday, and am continuing it today.

Soo yeah. Wassup.

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Yaa, dis. The game that I don't really know too much about, other than NAZIS TAKING OVER 'MURICA IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE IN WHICH HITLER WON

Dis crap is bioshok infinite deep rite here

Yeah, no. Until they reveal more about this game, I can only expect it to be the main course of the side platter called Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

I'm still planning on playing it though.

The Evil Within


Now I know what all you Pyramid Heads out there are thinkin'.


Yes, he did. But that's because he's way cooler. But hey, at least you got to bang another monster lady.
Don't let this guy get you down, he's probably still a virgin.

The Evil Within is a game directed by the same guy that directed the Resident Evil games. It's also my most hyped game of this year so far. Why? Because I loved the Dead Space series, and it's about time I played another Third Person Shooter Horror. Yes, this has zambies. Yes, this is a Survival Horror. BUT IT'S ALSO A PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR! My brother keeps commenting that this game looks like Silent Hill. I see some relation, but not much.

Anyways, NEXT GAME!
Wait, what other games are there?

Oh yeah... That game...

Computer Overheater

Oh, sorry, that isn't the name? Riight...

Watch Dogs

Aka the game that makes your comp cry. It has 8GB recommended ram. I can't run that goddamn game!
I only have 4GBs! Okay, okay, call me a peasant, but it's all I get in this house. When you're 14, you don't get much.
Anyway, this GTA clone is so highly anticipated because it's GTA. With Hacking. And kewl gwaphics.
Try and tell me different, but I just don't like this game very much.

The Evil Within has 4GB recommended. Wolfenstein has 4GB recommended. Some people agree that this game has a crazy amount of required RAM. If I can get it to run, that would be kewl.

Soo those are my most anticipated games of this year! Yeeah....

All I want for Christmas is more RAM. And games.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Holy Jebus Pants.

I forgot to make another post on March 9! God-dang-diggidy-dong-doggle-dang-ding-dong-dangle-ding-dong-sexual innuendo-dong!

I have been preoccupied with mah new games, which include CS:GO and Skullgirls. Probably the coolest games I played so far.

And I got lucky and bought Blood Money for about $2. Basically, I was rich. Until now. Visit me at 15th Bimbo Street Ave, where I will be living in the black colored cardboard box. Except that I have a family to support me, as I'm still 14, so I guess that black colored cardboard box is now for rent.

I also got Rust, but I made the mistake of joining the TOKYO server. Turns out that there's a cult of Koreans there, and they're extremely religious about their race, and they will stop at nothing to exterminate all non-Koreans. I would be happy if there were actually Korean gamers that actually aren't racist, but sadly, no. So I became racist too and declared war on all Korean gamers, with the handful of Japanese, Malaysian and Chinese players. We had an army of about 5 players. And they had all the rest of the players. There were about 50 players in the server. But I retained my dignity.

And my CS:GO adventures were pretty good. I didn't start off very well, with all the ragers on my team, but I survived. And I learned how to rush people with the P90. Screw life, I'm going to bet it all! JUST TRY AND HEADSHOT ME.

I sucked at Skullgirls though. But the jazz. Da jazz. I always come back for the jazz. And eventually I got good. Okay, I lied. I'm still pretty bad. BUT I'M BETTER!

I finished Underhell. It has the second best music in any game I've ever seen. First place goes to...

Black Mesa. Of course.

But Underhell gets number one in music placement. Especially the MGPS moment! I loved switching on the MGPS, cause whenever you switch on the generator, the music gets less creepy and more... umm... actiony?

If you guys are actually going to comment on a blog post made by an narcissistic 14 year old who has no friends, then please comment about who you went with in the final part of Underhell, if you played it. If not, then go play it right now. I went with Bryan and Junior, and fought zambies.

Underhell has great atmosphere for a horror game. I don't find it as scary as Amnesia though, which I refuse to play no matter what. 

The horror games I've finished to date: Estranged, Underhell, Dead Space 3...

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Whatever.

Anyway, that's all the time I have for today! Goodbye! Adios! Auf Weidersehen!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thief 4, AKA The Worst Reviewed Reboot That I've Seen In A While.

IGN GAVE THIEF SUCH A LOW RATING. But whatever. I'm gonna try it. I shall tell you what I think of it right after I finish it. Thief has lots of stuff. Like robbing humans, robbing zombies, robbing humans from zombies, robbing zombies from humans, entering zombie filled orphanages, entering human filled brothels, ETC. I don't know much about this game, so disregard most of the things I've said. My name is the Baron of Randomness, and I still don't have a catchphrase. Goodbye.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Are you still there?

It's been a loong time. How have you been? Me? I'm cool. My birthday's coming up next month, and then I get a whole buncha games, so I'll wait until then until I make a really long post. YES, I AM STILL ALIVE. See ya later, I gotta play more Loadout and Underhell!