Item #: SCP-247
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-247 is kept in a
concrete enclosure of at least ███ by ███ meters, furnished based on
the plans provided by the [REDACTED] Zoo and
lined with SCP-148 offset from the rest of Site-██ by at least ten (10) meters in order to mitigate its psychic effect. (
We don’t have enough telekill to waste it on containing kittens. - O5-█).
SCP-247 is to be fed 18 kilograms of fresh meat on a tri-weekly basis.
Feeding occurs in a separate enclosure. Cleaning staff should enter the
enclosure only during designated feeding times. No other access to the
enclosure is allowed. The footage resulting from any violation of this
order is to be archived for use in training the cleaning and monitoring
staff of SCP-247. In the unlikely event that there are any survivors of a
containment violation, they will be demoted to D-class.
In case of a containment breach, the entire wing must be evacuated
and all live footage of the incident heavily censored. The area SCP-247
occupies will be sealed off and gassed, followed by the return of
SCP-247 to containment. If for any reason this should become impossible,
a retrieval team will be sent in armed with heavy tranquilizer rifles.
Retrieval team Agents must be specially selected for high reflexes,
excellent marksmanship, unquestioning obedience, and low empathy scores.
Description: To the human eye, SCP-247 appears to be
a young female house cat with an orange and black striped coat
resembling that of a tiger. Remote feeds and even still photos also show
this illusion, although it is unknown whether the photo itself is
affected or merely the observer.
Based on weight, water displacement, and dental moulds made from bite
marks, we have determined that SCP-247 is actually a fully grown Bengal
Tiger. It is unknown exactly how the subject generates this illusion.
There are two components to the illusion: first, a memetic effect that
changes the perceived image of SCP-247 to that of a kitten, and second, a
psychic component which radiates outward from the subject (diminishing
according to the inverse square law and reaching half strength at █
meters). Any sentient being within this field comes under the impression
that SCP-247 is completely harmless, regardless of prior knowledge or
experience. Individuals in this field also show extreme reluctance to
harm or allow others to harm SCP-247, even while [DATA EXPUNGED]. This
psychic field can be blocked with SCP-148 or avoided by striking from
well outside its effective range. The memetic effect is not blocked by
SCP-148 and as of yet no one has been able to see SCP-247 as anything
but a small striped cat.
Typically when a human approaches SCP-247, it will begin to purr or
mew. The victim will remark that this is adorable and approach to pet
the subject (this has been observed even in persons who strongly dislike
cats). SCP-247 has been known to accept affection from its victims for
upwards of seven minutes before disemboweling and devouring them.
Genetic analysis shows slight deviation from a typical Bengal Tiger's
genotype, indicating possible contamination [DATA EXPUNGED] all further
breeding experiments require O5 level approval. The resulting hybrids
have been designated SCP-247-1; see Experiment Log 247a-14 for more
Addendum 247a: A series of tests in exposing SCP-247
and the Control subjects to various non-human animals. Control testing
took place in an exact replica of SCP-247’s enclosure. Control A is a
yellow kitten matching SCP-247’s apparent size and age. Control B is a
fully grown Bengal Tiger matching SCP-247’s actual weight.
Experiment Log 247a-01
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A mixed breed dog, mostly terrier. A known cat-chaser.
Control Test A: Subject immediately began barking and ran at the control, which retreated up a nearby tree.
Control Test B: Subject cowered in the corner as far from the control as possible. Control took no notice of subject.
Results: Subject ran toward SCP-247, barking loudly. At approximately
five (5) meters away subject slowed to a halt and became silent. At this
point, SCP-247 rolled over made a ‘mewing’ sound believed to be a sign
of annoyance. The subject retreated to a far corner of the enclosure
with its tail between its legs.
That was extremely odd. Further testing recommended. - Researcher S████
Approved. - O5-█
Experiment Log 247a-02i-ii
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A male tabby kitten with the same apparent age as SCP-247.
Control Test A: Subject played with the control in the manner expected of kittens.
Control Test B: Subject climbed a tree and attempted to hide itself from the control, displaying visible signs of terror.
Results (test i): Subject approached SCP-247 and mewed. SCP-247
responded in kind and played with the tabby kitten. The resulting
footage is extremely odd; at one point SCP-247 lifts the subject (which
appears to be the same size as SCP-247) with a single forepaw, while at
another point SCP-247 lifts the subject with its mouth, clearly showing
that its mouth is much larger than it appears to be. The leading
researcher characterized this as adorable but remarked that it gave him
“a ███ headache.” Due to a faulty recorder, this test had to be
Results (test ii): Subject approached SCP-247 as above. SCP-247 made a
deep purring sound, analogous to a growl. Subject reacted as in control
test B.
This seems to indicate 247 has some degree of conscious control over its apparent appearance. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-03
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult male deer, a normal prey animal for a Bengal
Tiger. (Control B and SCP-247 were not fed for 3 days prior to this
Control Test A: Subject grazed. Control fell asleep two minutes into the experiment.
Control Test B: Control attacked, killed and devoured subject, which
behaved normally for a deer trapped in an enclosed space with a large
Results: Subject began grazing as in control test A. SCP-247 approached
it calmly and killed it with a single bite to the neck, then proceeded
to devour the subject. (Test was repeated without SCP-247 being forced
to fast. SCP-247 completely ignored the subject for over a day before
apparently becoming hungry and killing it, again with a single bite to
the neck.)
SCP-247 seems to prefer humans, both as food and for
entertainment. Other prey animals presented to SCP-247 were all killed
in a single strike, while humans are invariably allowed to pet the SCP
for some time before being killed and are sometimes mauled and ‘played’
with the way a cat will play with a mouse. Furthermore, the SCP has
killed every human it has had the opportunity to kill regardless of
hunger. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-08
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female chimpanzee.
Control Test A: Subject and control ignored one another.
Control Test B: Subject retreated to a tree, showing some signs of
unease. Control displayed some curiosity towards the subject but did not
Results: Subject approached SCP-247, made noises identified as signs of
affection, and began to groom SCP-247. SCP-247 allowed the subject to
groom it for over an hour, then messily killed and devoured it.
This seems to be its typical reaction to unfamiliar prey
animals. It seems to prefer to prey on apes with advanced social
behaviour. Experiments with gorillas and other social apes have shown
similar results. Essentially, SCP-247 is a large predator that has
somehow adapted to take advantage of the largest available food source —
humans. We should investigate all future reports of man-eating tigers
in case there are more of these things. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-12
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female grizzly bear.
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Subject and control acted nervously and gave one another as large a berth as possible.
Results: Initially subject and SCP-247 ignored one another. At one point
subject came very close to SCP-247, resulting in SCP-247 giving a
warning growl. Subject responded with hostility. Test aborted due to
possible harm to SCP-247; subject tranquilized by Foundation personnel
and subsequently killed by SCP-247.
Future tests involving animals potentially capable of killing or injuring a Bengal Tiger are cancelled. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-13
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female Bengal Tiger
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Subject and control greeted one another, established the order of social dominance, then both fell asleep.
Results: Identical to control test B.
Interestingly SCP-247 was the beta animal in this interaction. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-14
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult male Bengal Tiger
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Omitted, record of normal Bengal tiger mating behaviour substituted.
Results: As expected based on control B. [DATA EXPUNGED].
Researcher S████ has been removed from this project for lax
security in his experiments, although in light of his injuries further
disciplinary measures have been deemed unnecessary. [DATA EXPUNGED],
which seems to have benefited from a form of ‘hybrid vigor’, has been
designated SCP-247-1. Considering that SCP-247 is likely to have bred
naturally in the wild, Mobile Task Force Iota-5 ("Tiger Bait") has been
formed and assigned to hunt down and contain or destroy all incidences
of the hybrid SCP-247-1. - O5-█