Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Going to make another attempt at Slender: The Eight Pages!

Yep, Imma try again! Wish me luck guys! I'm just 13, so I wonder if this will mentally scar me for years to come. Heck, maybe Slendy will even hunt me. If I can complete this, then maybe I shall get Slender: The Arrival. Link to the homepage for Slender: The Eight Pages right here! Link!

Also......... My Brothers of 9 and 6...... They want to play the most horrifying game in the world.....


Oh god man, and they want me to play it with them D: D: D: D: D:

After seeing the Slendytubby, I was scarred 4 life! Picture below, not for the faint of heart..
Now I must play the game which includes stock horror female screaming sounds.... Brrrrr.......

Ok, and as said before, wish me luck as I best Slender! Bye readers!

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