Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Just got my Flu Shots. But that probably isn't a great moment in my life. The great moment is that FINALLY, LoL is downloaded. So I did the tutorial, learned that it's kinda like AOE, and quit.

Oh, and it's Flu Season. So stand back, and start buying some of these:
Hell my arm is stiff. Stiffer than day-old flesh.

Fave Mage: Annie

Fave Tanker: Nautilus 
I'm in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

He looks like a Boy Scout, but there's more evil in there than you can even imagine....
File:Teemo AstronautSkin.jpg 
Okay, maybe not.
But he's not a hero I'm planning on getting.
Ok, I have had enough. Bye

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