Thursday, February 28, 2013

Da Roanoke, Space Junk, Terra Nova, MADNESS!

The Roanoke was one of the creepiest ships I've ever gone on. I entered, and found absolutely NOTHING. Except dust. Let my friends in, and then I decided to venture further. I got into this Quarantine sector, but it was locked. After a bit of puzzling and getting the power back on, I entered, only to find lots of 200 year old blood everywhere. Went in further, and found a mummified corpse hanging from the ceiling like a cocoon. Got closer, and it detached off the ceiling and revealed itself to be a NECROMORPH!
The HORROR! So I decided to pwn his face! And after pwning his face, I pwned his blades. Then he was dead. More came! OH NOES!

So after killing all those dudes and making it to a Zero-Grav area, I find something that's a pro in Zero-Grav areas.
File:DS3 Lurker 1.jpg
Damned Lurkers! There was a body floating around, used it as a meat shield with my Kinesis, and after it couldn't take any more damage, I decided to throw it at the Lurker. Was kinda useless in Zero-Gravity, so it just touched it. It didn't seem to care, and just kept shooting through the dead body. Finally killed it by chopping off 2 of it's tentacles with the Plasma Cutter, and ANOTHER appears! Did the same, and it was done. After a short trip, I got to the Generator! While charging it up so the elevator would work, some Wasters and Lurkers decided to join the party. Killed all of dem!
Ds3 attack fodder
This is one of those Mummified Wasters. Used the elevator, got to Ellie! After a short cutscene, I decided to get back up to the Generator! Wow, the Corruption spreads fast. After fighting a few Tentacles by shooting the Yellow pustules, I destroyed the Corruption with the Generator! Zapped the substance, and it blew up.
File:Screen shot 2012-08-16 at 7.28.58 AM.png
While Backtracking to the dock, I found a Leaper! Dangerous thing tried to get to me, but I sliced off both it's hands and it was K. Once I got to the dock, I was back in Space! Recharged my Oxygen, and floated towards some Space Junk. Nothing useful, so I decided to boost towards a stranded dropship that my teammates called a "Skip". I used it to get to the Terra Nova, because there was a new ship inside the Terra Nova. Went inside, but in there, there were even more horrors than inside the Roanoke! After going up a floor and making it up to the Cockpit, I used my master Haxx0rz skillz to get some data! After that, the door opened. I found a Scavenger Bot! HORRAY! It's so cute! I decided to let it hunt for some materials, and I kept at it. I went up a ladder, and then a Slasher smashed through a vent! My reaction was like: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" And then I kept shooting it until it decided to drop. Smashed it to bits to make sure it wasn't playing dead, and then I kept walking. After that, some Wasters appeared, accompanied by this new Suicide Bomber Necromorph known as the Exploder!
DUN DUN DUN! I cut off it's explosive pustule, and made it trip over by shooting it's other arm with a Plasma Cutter! That was hilarious. I threw it's dead body with Kinesis, and SLAM DUNK! I got it in a hoop! Some Lurkers decided to ambush my back, so I killed them too. So after that, I really was in need of healing. But then, woohoo. Sarcastic woohoo. New Necromorph. Which also turned out to be the most annoying. THE SWARM REALLY SUCKS, YOU KNOW!
My Reaction to one climbing onto my face. So I decided to shake 'em off! But then, another woohoo. They reanimated the 2 corpses in the room. And they turned into Wasters. But Woohoo! This time, not sarcastic! After defeating the Wasters, I found a crafting bench! Crafted a few Medium Medpacks to restore my health, but then another sarcastic woohoo. After defeating the Swarm, here comes big momma.
The Pregnant. After shooting it enough, It decided to release more of the Swarm. By cutting it's belly open. So after they scurry into the other room to make more Necromorphs, I defeated the Pregnant with a stomp to the head. Oh look! ANOTHER PREGNANT! AND NECROMORPHS RECENTLY MADE BY THE SWARM!!!!! After killing all those freaking annoying pplz, more of The Swarm escaped from the Pregnant! They started to infect uninfected corpses. I was all like: "Nope Nope Nope Nope" and stomped every corpse that started to spasm. I stomped on one, but I was too late for the other, and it chopped my arm off.
File:Issac arm cut off by fodder JPG.JPG
Long story short, I died. Poor Issac. So I thought: That's it. That's enough for the day. And shut my computer down.

List of Necromorphs that I fought:
The Swarm

Goodbye For Now! See Youze next week!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So I've been doing OMGCITY! Epic map, it's got everything I need!

So I just walk around, going around the map! I also got new PCs in my Gmod!

But I've been mostly playing Dead Space. The first suit that everyone gets in the game is probably the EVA suit!
Eva suit DS3
Yesh, the EVA sounds just like Halo, but it's different, although the acronyms both mean the same thing.Isacsuit
The only suit I got now is just Issac's junky homemade suit. Very Junky indeed, but it's good enough to protect myself from bullet impact.

Oh, and I lied. No Roleplay for you! Well, maybe a little. Just wait until Fredas.

Wasters, Stomping on Corpses and The Story So Far!

I've done the Prologue and the First Level. Turned out to not be as scary as I thought it would be, but it's still pretty awesome. The only Necromorph I've fought are Wasters, and I've only fought about 10 of them! Why? Unitologists, that's what. I got just a short view of some Unitologists interrogating a woman about my whereabouts, and then they shoot her! I mean, what's up with that! Unitologists are just Sick People.

Ehem. Sorry about that. So, SPOILER ALERT! Don't let this bit ruin the story for you!

Soooooo, in the Prologue, I controlled this guy called Tim! Wearing the Legionary R.I.G!

It was made for wars, so that's why the most vulnerable parts of the R.I.G are covered up.
I had to recover the Codex, which looks like a football, which was inside a shipwreck. A spaceship shipwreck. Crushed some crates and broke the latch with my newly acquired ammo! Opened the door that was blocked by the latch, and then I found out there was still a survivor! Unluckily, he had an Ice Axe stuck in his back. Guess who did that?
Fodder concept
Yep, our old buddy Waster. A pair of Wasters killed that guy. They noticed me, so I decided to give them a beating, knowing I should aim for the legs.

Ventured inside the ship, and found more of these things! One grabbed onto me, but I shook it off and stomped it's head off. Unluckily, that did little to stop the creature. It kept at it!

After defeating the horde, I found a body hanging from the ladder that leads to the cockpit! But it got dragged off-screen by something unknown, possibly a Slasher. I went up the ladder, but all I saw was a vent with a blood trail! Guessing that it went up there, I decided to ignore the vent and open the door to the cockpit. The Codex was there! Horray! But unluckily, the ship started to lean off the cliff, and it started to fall apart! So Tim decided to rappel himself out of the ship and onto the cliffs! But there were problems! #1, Debris. #2, AVALANCHE! After a short rappel, I got disconnected and had to slide! Shot open an engine, slid through it to avoid the Debris, and finally slid down to the camp. Tim looks up, but finds out that the camp was long gone. But his commander is still there! He thinks that we can't stop the Necromorphs! He says: "Do you love your planet son? Your mom, and dad?" Tim replies: "Yes, of course." And finally, the commander says: "Good. I'm glad to hear that."

After that, he puts a bullet in Tim's head, salutes his flag, and puts a bullet in his own head!

And now, the transition! 200 years later.....

Issac is really P.O'd that his Girlfriend left him. Damn. But he gets even more P.O'd when some EarthGov soldiers walk into his apartment. And they get him to come with them! So I decide to get down to the highway, where a car appears! It's our ride! But after a short fight with some Unitologists, one of them decides to jump on top of the car and blow himself up. So I fought through more Unitologists until I got to an elevator. Once there, I was captured by Unitologists and their leader, Danik, decided to release the Marker!
Oh noes! So now, Necromorphs have appeared, defeated some Wasters, went down an elevator to the Supermarket, and saved there.

So wish me luck as I fight through this horror game! And stomp corpses along the way!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Google Chrome, Dead Space Be Almost Done and some other stuff!

So now I'm using Google Chrome!

And I almost got Dead Space 3! Just need an Arctic Survival Suit, A plasma cutter and a bottle of soda, and I'll be fine!
Arctic survival suit DS3 
And this is my favorite suit, AKA Issac's signature suit, Arctic Survival Suit!
Legionary suit DS3 
Although I like this one too. Wait until Chapter 14, then I can get it!

The Legionary Suit is a vintage suit, which means, of course, that it's about 200 years old and very rare. In the 2300's this was made! Dead Space takes place in the 2500's!

So once I get this suit I shall be respected by both Carver and the Necromorphs(Although they'll still try and slice me, dice me and make me one with the marker)


Monday, February 25, 2013

Gmod Addons To Defend My Shop!

I own a game store in DunCity, and I'm gonna need some defense! I sell old school games ranging from S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Resistance. I also sell PCs! No Macs.


That's my Boomstick. Think this is good defense? Well, I'd question that, there may be better weapons.

And when everything goes wrong, I kill myself!
If it's all the same to you.

Or should I get an SMG? More compact, and more damaging at the same time!
Damn, not many Sweps that I want. Should I find more defense, or do I have everything I need with the Kermite's shotgun pack?

I'll keep searching. And I found a new map where I can move to when this old map gets, well, old.

So goodbye! 

Dead Space 3, Crazy Stuff and the Scenario Five.

Haven't gotten Dead Space 3 yet, wait until tomorrow. So, just a quick explanation of Scenario Five. First, switch off all vehicles. Second, delete all data and pwn all who oppose to the idea. Third, kill yourselves, because you suck.

Now, you don't wanna do that, do you? If so, then that means you are quite a sane person, and you should play Dead Space 3.

 Dead Space 1 is very scary too, so you can play that. I'd recommend it, great game, great game indeed.

Who do you like better, Issac or Carver? I like Issac, because he be awesome.
And this be Little Timmy. The guy who you play as in the Prologue. Who gets killed because, wait for it, Scenario Five.

The Nexus is horrifying.
File:Dead Space 3 Nexus Concept.jpg
An evil centipede creature! But the worst creature is the moon. It's the final boss.

Issac is in hiding from the Government. Sad, he doesn't deserve dis! SNF, GOODBAI, WAH.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dead Space 3!

Planning on getting Dead Space 3!
DS3 Regenerator Profile
Don't care if it's marked mature, it's an awesome game, and I shall get it. So you see, the necromorph under statis pictured is the Regenerator. Although I call it the Regenerador.
Main reason I'm gonna get Dead Space 3? SNOOOW! I LOVE SNOW! That's why I shall try to get a snowy map in Gmod!