Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 is ending...

Remember a year ago, when we were all going crazy about the end of the world? Okay, we weren't. But that's over. I'm sorry I didn't post anything November. Also, there was no Halloween boss. But Halloween Spells became a thing, as well as hell. Forgot to mention that I don't count Skeleton King as a miniboss.

You probably remember the NEW Skeleton King. Green and stuff, with dat undersized crown. Good stuff. I don't even try and fight him, because I just want that goddamned rare Halloween spell. But alas, Halloween is over, so maybe I shouldn't talk about Halloween.

Instead, I shall talk about Christ's Birthday. Pardon me, Christmas. Because Christ gets his own special name for his birthday. I WANT MY BIRTHDAY MARKED ON YOUR CALENDARS AS "THE MOST SPECIAL DAY IN THE UNIVERSE". MARCH 9TH. GO NOW.

Now that that is done (or not), then I shall talk about other things.

So that sale ended a while ago, you know, on Steam. I was doggone broke, so I couldn't buy anything.
Oh well.

On Christmas however, I shall get $80 for my Steam account. I shall buy Payday The Heist and the Serious Sam HD Pack. And maybe a few F2P game items.

I recently found out about Underhell, a Source SDK 2007 mod. It's got some spooks. And it's been a while since I got some spooks. I've tried Outlast and Amnesia, but i'm too much of a pussy to get those done, so how about Underhell? I dunno, how bout it? Don't even tell me if it's scarier, I don't care.

So it is time, for the most impressive games of 2013 I have played so far, and some that I haven't:

Bioshock Infinite: I got the chance to play this game, and believe me, it was impressive. Took me 12 hours to finish. And I loved every second of it. I can't spoil the ending however, but all I can tell you is that is it was bloody confusing.

The Last Of Us: I haven't played this, because I only use PC. One of my greatest regrets, as I didn't get to play Shadow Of The Colossus. I have lots of trust in the Playstation. I shun the Xbone though, so keep it away from my face. Anyway, now to the game. The Last Of Us is a survival horror, except instead of a virus infecting everyone, it's a fungus. HOW UNIQUE BEST GAME 2013 IGN PC GAMER AGREES LOL YESH
Lol no. GTA V is better.

GTA V: Ho Ho Ho, you got me talking about this game! Okay, you didn't. Pfft. Anyway, I've been watching The Gaming Lemon (Go check this guy out, he's bloody hilarious) play this game. And it is brilliant. Every bit of it. But oh noes, I cannae play it. Because it's only for console. I forgive you, PS3. But screw you, Xbone.
Same went for GTA IV, until it came out on PC about a year later. So yeah. Fingers crossed the same happens with this game.

DOTA 2: 'Nuff said.

The Stanley Parable: Damn the full game is good, go play it!

No More Room In Hell: Go vote this game as Best Mod 2013, even if it isn't a mod by Steam Standards!

Metro: Last Light: Just because this is at the bottom of the list, doesn't mean it's the worst. Arguably, it was the best. Oh wait Bioshock Infinite. Sorry, nothing can beat that. Great game anyhow! Better than Metro 2033, which was filled with bugs, some game-breaking. I couldn't finish it. : (

Now for games that are upcoming:

SMITE: This game is the new Hi-Rez creation that I love to death. You play as gods in a MOBA type style, except that instead of a God's Eye View, you get a Third-Person view of your god. I hope you understand what I mean. But go play it anyway, and unlock some new gods! Newest released God at the moment I am typing: Nu Wa.

Sven Co-Op: Kay, so I included this as upcoming, because this is a mod currently. It hasn't been released on Steam yet, and that makes me mad. However, it shall be worth the wait, as it will be a standalone F2P game by the time of the release. And i'm a cheapskate who doesn't want to buy Half-Life.

Black Mesa: NOT A GAME YET. I cannot stress this enough. But Xen is currently in beta stage! So you can go try that if you like.

And some mods that I like that were or weren't released during this year:

Underhell: Wonderful horror game. I'll try it today, and I shall get spooks.

Obsidian Conflict: OH GOD THIS GAME IS AMAZING. It's the closest thing I have to Sven.

Fistful Of Frags: I'm friends with the creator of this game on Steam, which is a real honor, as I love this mod.

Okay, got that over with. So try out all these new games please! I know you'll enjoy them.

So now I'll list down most of the important things that happened to me during this year:

New computer: Yep, new computer. Hopefully this won't crash like the last one did.

The release of Bioshock Infinite: Yes, it was that important to me.

My birthday: Duh.

This will probably be the final post on my blog!

For this year. GOTCHA! So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I cannot thank you guys enough for the amount of views you've given me. It may not be much, but it's enough to make me feel loved. I'm sorry for the lack of posts, but I got a lot going on!

Fave Youtube Channels this year: Markiplier, Pewdiepie and Ssundee.

This is 2013, 13 year old me, signing out. Thanks for everything guys. See you next year!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scream Fortress 2013 Thoughts.

So I read the halloween comic. And I got goosebumps. This could be the most epic Scream Fortress yet!

I won't spoil the comic for you. But here's a few hints.

1. It's not Gray Mann.

2. No Robo Halloween Bosses, probs.

And since Scream Fortress is coming soon, I want some NOTLU 2013. Get to it, Royzo.

For halloween, I got Apparition's Aspect and a Spoopy Candle. Yes, very spoopy. You can tell the quality of a candle by it's spoopiness.

Until next time, readers!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Metro Last Light: A short review

Okay guys, I'm back. With a short review on the Metro Last Light. It's kinda like Half-Life. Yes, it's that level of greatness.

I'm playing Minecraft Snapshot 1.7 right now, so this will be short.

Metro Last Light won't run well on computers with low RAM (like mine), but just lower the graphics and it definitely will be worth playing. The fight scenes are very hard and realistic, especially against other humans.

The mutants are also amazing to fight, they dodge, run around, flank, and have amazing AI.

The soundtrack of Metro Last Light will have you captivated with amazing tunes, which aren't just dubstep wub wub wub crap. It's got nice music similar to Half-Life 2's.

The weapon attachment system was great in Last Light, and I was always excited to get to the next gun market to get some new attachments on my new, shiny weapon.

Overall, this is a great game, and is well worth what it costs. You should play Metro Last Light at least once in your extremely short life! It's a survival horror, and not for the squeamish. I can't handle Outlast and Amnesia, but I can handle this, so maybe It's not that scary. Whatever. GET THIS GAME!

G'bye mates! I'll make my next review post after finishing Metro 2033. Salutations to all.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is he back?

Nope, better luck next time buddy. Just kidding. I keep forgetting to update this blog, which makes me a jerk. Well, kinda.

While I was away, my blog got 2000 more views. Which is great, for my standards.

Been checking out the Metro series, loved Metro Last Light, currently doing a playthrough of Metro 2033.
While playing DOTA 2. And TF2.

And thanks for all the views! Every single view just makes me feel more and more special, and it pushes me to make more posts!

Probably not going to post for a while, but i'm still here! I'm gonna try and post more from now on.

THANKS FOR LISTENING, CHIIILDREN! THIS IS R-DAWG! (awwwwww) And you're reading Probably Randomness Blog! And now, some music. Wait, we have no music? Darn. Sorry guys, bye.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Good. Well, I've been playing Minecraft with Chocapic13's Shaders. Great Stuff! Go out and play Minecraft, Kraven Manor, DOTA 2, and that sort, and I'll wait until Assassins Creed Brotherhood downloads before I update this blog again! Well, I guess I should start Minecraft again, just here to tell you I am NOT dead. G'Bye Mates!

Signed, The Baron Of Randomness (Formerly Known As Scoot)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kraven Manor, TF2, and maybe a hint of randomness.

Kraven Manor. Put SCP:Containment Breach's SCP-173 segments, Cry Of Fear's chills and Amnesia's Atmosphere in the cooking pot, and this is what comes out. A delicious serving of a great indie game. Once Again, I learnt about this game by watching Pewd's vid, and it seems pretty decent.
Promotional Screens 
Ok, here's a Kraven Manor pic to set the mood. No, not Draven Manor, Kraven Manor. 
Once you enter, you'll be treated to a nice view of the entryway. And check out that statue! It's so lifelike! Enter the library and find a model of the wine cellar! Go back to the entryway, and check out that table. Whoa, looks like placing the models manipulates the house! Go into the Wine Cellar, and then be treated to a not-so-nice-but-rather-threatening message. 
And when the Bronze Dude comes out, I think it's best for you to decide if this game is for you or not, because you're gonna have to go through a lot more bronze dude chases later in the game.

Right now, I'm validating my TF2, gonna play a lot today! Who agrees that TF2 is addictive?
No, Just Me? Aww.

Anyway, if you ignored the post before this one, I got a Genuine Steel Songbird for 80 cents.
Steel Songbird.png  

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Steam Community Is Weird.....

I bought a Genuine Steel Songbird from a guy. For 80 cents. Now please tell me that's a rubbish deal. Whatever, I got a Steel Songbird! HELLZ YEAH!
File:Steel Songbird.png
That is all. Goodbye!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Scoot is gone. Now comes the Duke Of Randomness, who is alive but dead, walking but running, standing but sitting down! Cheer but Boo for the entry of the Duke Of Randomness!

And today we shall review a rather horrible but great game! Or should I say mod! FoF, Fistful Of Frags.

Jeez, it's really hard to write in this Hot Weather! I'm literally freezing here!

Ok, there seem to be some crappy but rather great western weapons in this game! They're all western! Oh wait, hello and goodbye Scoot what are you doi-

There, I've merged with him. Now I still retain my personality, but I still have a bit of his personality and his body.

So he actually put up a good, crackerjack subject! Let's talk about FoF!

My fave weapon is the Mare's Leg! It's a sawed-off rifle, which has a short range, but has high damage!

Now that's all. Download link! RIGHT HERE!

Goodbye Subjects.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Year Walk is now on the top list of games I want!

Next to Skullgirls, Bioshock Infinite and dat sort.

But the problem? Year Walk isn't free, and I only get free games on my Ipad.

The other problems are Skullgirls is console only and Bioshock Infinite requires Windows 7.

So what is Year Walk? Well, it's based on the Swedish Mythos.

I thought it would just have a creepy atmosphere, but while sleeping over with my friend, UNEXPECTED JUMPSCARE WHEN PEWDS PLAYS! HOLY CRAP!

So I wanna get it because jumpscares. Let us go!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Crysis 2 And Dota 2

They are both great games. But the problem is my bro wants me to play Dota 2 with him, when I actually want to play Crysis 2! Geez.
Just look at the trailer and think about getting it. IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE, INCLUDING TPB! >:)

Okay, yes, I did get it off TPB. But I live in the Philippines, where I don't have a credit card that can deposit moneys into Steam. God-Frakking-Damn It.

Ok, back to the post. Now, I think a lot of you readers have played Crysis 3. It's very realistic, yes? I can't get it, because I love Windows XP too much to let it go :(

Which means I can't get Bioshock Infinite or Battlefield 3. DAMN!

Oh, side note, I played Bioshock, it's a fun game! Go DL It!
Oh, and In Dota 2, I be pro with Spectre. She's a creepy hero, but not as creepy as Shadow
Shadow Fiend.png

So which one is Spectre and which one is Shadow Fiend? Guess. Or go to the wiki, see if I care, cheater! >:(

I might catch you guys later. Hopefully, this won't be my last post.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cry Of Fear And Terraria!

Got Terraria, and Imma gonna play Cry Of Fear! Downloading it off Steam because it got released just recently as a standalone game. Hellz Yea!

If you have these games, show your love by using these wallpapers found (but not made) by me!
Neato, amirite? So Cry Of Fear is standalone, cool, cool. And I Pirated Terraria to see what it was like. Don't F**king Judge Me.

I can play LAN Multiplayer on TPB Terraria, haven't tested online servers tho. We just made a house, partied in side, mined a bit, fought the Eye Of Cthulu and Got Demonite Ore. Also, Cthulu is pronounced Koo-Thoo-Loo. Different for everybody, but that's how I pronounce it.

The Freakiest enemy in Cry Of Fear is probably the Citalopram, which symbolizes your character's (Simon) huge intake on anti-depressants. But it ain't working.
Haven't played it yet, so If there's an enemy you think is horrifying, then list it down in the comments. Oh, what's that? You never do? Okay.....

Only one outsider commented. About teh WTF Akali skins. Damn! I hate those skins, she's meant to be an awesome ninja! But Blood Moon is K, because Samurais.

My friend is half Japanese, half Filipino. And everyone at his school calls him The Last Samurai. Frickin awesome!

If you want to see someone funny play Cry Of Fear, then please watch the video below, courtesy of ChaoticMonki. (Because some of u guys be hatin on Pewds D:)
This is just the first episode, so go onto his channel for more! And while you're at it, please look at Pewdie's gameplay. If you haven't subscribed to Pewds yet, please do, and you'll be part of the Bro Army! (Like Me!)

I'm thinking about making my own Youtube channel, but who wants to see a 13 year old play games? Nobody, I've heard. Shite.

But Remember This, I ain't a crazy kid that calls everybody a noob while shouting swears over voice chat, unlike those futureless milksops, I actually have a brain. Thank you for your attention.

I almost never use voice chat, because I have an annoying loud voice that nobody likes, even me!

I'm also pretty mature on the inside for a 13 year old. (But sometimes on the outside I'm a Bloody Idiot.). To prove that 13 year olds can play games, I shall play Cry Of Fear!

Until Next Time, Readers!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mo' Creatures Has Updated To Add Wyverns!

So I got it again. Awesome! Woo, Kthx Dr Zhark! Go download it! Get Forge first though! Catch you later with more info! It's added DRAGONS!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

They See Me Rollin'!

Dey Hatin'! Patrollin' and tryin to catch me ridin' dirty! TRYIN TO CATCH ME RIDIN DIRTY!

But seriously. I roll a lot in Warframe.
I got the Ash Helmet blueprint! Woohoo! Nonetheless, I have to get the other blueprints.

But I need lots of Rubedo, and Rubedo is hard to find :(
And I also need the rarest material of them all!
Neural Sensors.... They're found on Jupiter.
Sounds fine? Ever heard of Zombies in Warframe? No? I thought so.

They're called Infested, and they will flock you like hell.

The least rare material I still need to find is Alloy Plate, but it's still pretty rare.

So the shopping list is:

150 Alloy Plate.

1 Neural Sensor.

[150 Polymer Bundle.] Done!


Gather all those materials together, and I can get an Ash helmet.

But crafting comes at a price, and that price is 15,000 credits.

And it takes 12 hours to craft. DAMN!

And then I need the rest. The chassis and systems.

Altogether that 45,000 credits to create everything. After getting the mats, of course.

AshAfter creating everything, to combine it you're gonna need another blueprint that costs 35,000 credits! 80,000 credits now? DAMN! And to craft them together you're gonna need an Orokin Cell (Which luckily I already have) And ANOTHER 25,000 credits!

So that's 105,000 credits, plus all the mats. The mats are everything in my shopping list plus MORE! GEEZUS!

Wish me luck as I go, bye readers!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Warframe, the best F2P game that deserves GOTY that you've never heard of.

Think Ninja Gaiden. Now think Mass Effect. Now you've got Warframe. Boom Shaka Boom.
Excalibur stand
Still using the puny Excalibur Frame. Really hard to get more Warframes, because, just, well you gotta get the blueprints for the helmet, body and systems, and then you gotta get the mats to craft them, and then you gotta get an Orokin Cell to put them all together...

It's just so much work. Yet I shall still do it, because I need Ash.
The Stealth Warframe. Use it if you wanna go full ninja because this guy can Teleport, throw Shurikens, use smoke bombs and the sort.

Very nice indeed. I also (After working very hard to get a whole lotta currency) got the Latron.
Costs 50,000 credits. You get 1000 credits if you solo a mission, plus 100 for each teammate in your party. You can also sell stuff. And I bought this weapon. Found out that since I didn't level it up yet that it's pretty crappy for later missions. So I'm back to the previous missions, leveling up my Semi-Auto Latron. It's great for sniping those pesky enemies from above.
My sidearm is the Furis, an automatic pistol. 'Nuff said.
My Melee is the Bo, which took up a whole lotta space in this post. It's weak, but it can stagger enemies, making it a good crowd control weapon. I also gave it an electricity mod.

What's that? I hear you moaning, but Broooo, we don't even know what mods are!

No worries, as I will tell you. They give your weapons awesome properties, but they take up space in your mod slot. Each level, you get 1 mod capacity into your mod slots. Better mods take up more mod capacity.

There are also Polarities. If a slot has a polarity, then that means if you put a mod that has the same polarity as the slot, then the mod capacity needed for that mod is halved. Vice versa (No, not that amazing hand hat) for mods without that polarity.

So that was Warframe, gonna explain more when I get the chance! Bye!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Going to make another attempt at Slender: The Eight Pages!
Yep, Imma try again! Wish me luck guys! I'm just 13, so I wonder if this will mentally scar me for years to come. Heck, maybe Slendy will even hunt me. If I can complete this, then maybe I shall get Slender: The Arrival. Link to the homepage for Slender: The Eight Pages right here! Link!

Also......... My Brothers of 9 and 6...... They want to play the most horrifying game in the world.....


Oh god man, and they want me to play it with them D: D: D: D: D:

After seeing the Slendytubby, I was scarred 4 life! Picture below, not for the faint of heart..
Now I must play the game which includes stock horror female screaming sounds.... Brrrrr.......

Ok, and as said before, wish me luck as I best Slender! Bye readers!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Got Gmod, Binding Of Issac and GTA IV + Expansion Packs on Steam!

Yesh. And GTA IV + Expansion Packs only cost 9.99 on a Steam sale. Bad luck for you guys, you just missed it. It was a weekend sale? OR DID YOU MISS IT IF YOU'RE IN A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE >:) You lucky people.

Ah Lurve Binding Of Issac. It's got a pretty nice soundtrack, which kinda sums up half of the game. Haven't downloaded GTA IV yet, but Gmod's a blast!

Goodbye Guyz!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I've Been Invited!

Horray! It seems that Valve decided to release a whole bunch of invitations to DOTA 2, and I was lucky enough to get one! Huzzah!
This is the picture I got in my email, along with a congratulation from Valve. If you're happy for me, comment. Even better, subscribe! Oh, and guess who I prayed to? God. And then the Dark Lords. And then Nyx. Seems Nyx worked.
Once I download this amazing game, I'll be happily playing DOTA 2! And maybe some League, because I got Viktor. Goodbye! And if you're on Steam, hope you get a DOTA 2 invite too!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sonic Ether and Mikeyto1o Mansion!

Long time no see, readers! Yesterday I got the Sonic Ether's shaders, and believe me, they are awesome.

You see? Map used is Mikeyto1o's Modern Island, Link Below. Use his Texture Pack too!
For those who really want their Minecraft to be awesomely realistic with the price of it being slightly slower, I'll give you a link to the Minecraft Forum page. You can switch it off and on whenever you like! I only turn it on for screenies.
Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders!

It's kinda creepy how realistic it is. If you don't like realism, then so be it. Just download a different shader pack.

I just had enough time to write this post. Thanks for reading. Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders were made by Sonic Ether and Mikeyto10's Modern Island was made by, of course, Mikeyto1o. Give them the credit. Goodbye!

Oh, and one last thing. I recommend Far Cry 3. Go buy it! It's great! It's got Hunting, Guns and best of all, a huge range of vehicles. Best game I've played.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Far Cry 3 was kinda good.

Yesh, it was. I hunted a whole lotta rare animals. And killed Buck and Vaas. In 20 hours. Easy!

So that was kind of it. I'm sorry, gotta cut it short! Goodbye for now!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Far Cry3!

File:1354615146 vaas.jpg
Yes, I will start this post with that picture. Because it is funny. 'Nuff Said.
Heavy Rocket
You can craft items in this game! Think of it as tropical realistic Minecraft with guns and other people trying to kill you.

This is my aim. Just gotta kill the Maneater. It's a Bull Shark. And I. HATE. WATER.

I also need a wallet for Moneys. I need to kill the One Horned Buffalo for this though.

Another Must-Have is a Syringe Kit. Because Drugs. Awesome Drugs that enhance your Hunting Capabilities and so on. This is the best Syringe Kit, to get it, you must kill the Black Panther.

RECURVAH BOWZ! I LOVE DIS THING! It's your best bow, so use it along with a red dot sight. The arrow quiver that you can make out of the Maneater's skin is also a must-have. But if you're an assassin that likes to assassinate from 100 meters away then you're gonna need the Marksman sight.

And while you're at it, get a Japanese Tanto. It's got a Japanese style handle and that sort, and it's stronger than the original machete.

So I'll be assassinating in FC3! Bye!



My FC3 download is kinda getting crappy, better test my internet speed.

2.22 MBs per Sec.

Kinda good?

I had my Birthday Celebration yesterday! HUZZAH! Yes, I am still 12. I just had the celebration yesterday. Tomorrow, I shall awesomely become 13! Anyways, I got a Gundam model called MSM-04G Juaggu. Apparently it's made for underwater areas.
And like all Zeon Mobile Suits, he has one eye.
(APSARAS II) front a
But is the Principality of Zeon the evil team? Yes and No.
Becuz of the Lulz. Idk.

Pictured above is the Apsalus II, the fattest Mobile Suit ever known to man.
Now this thing is even better. It's the MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander suit. It used to be my favorite suit until the Juaggu came up. It's actually a newer design which is related to the Juaggu.

This is the normal Z'Gok suit. You see the difference, right? BECUZ AZNABLE LUVZ RED!
This is the slightly older Acguy suit which the Z'Gok suit was half based on.
The other half of the Z'Gok suit was based on the Gogg suit.

The Acguy suit was the base for 2 other suits.
MSM-04N Agguguy
The Agguguy.....

And wait for it.....
The Juaggu.

I wasn't expecting the Juaggu to have such a long trunk. I wonder what that's for? I guess it's for breathing air, because it's made for underwater work. BUT SOME OF THE OTHER SUITS ARE MADE FOR UNDERWATER WORK AND THEY DON'T HAVE A TRUNK! So it can't be! I'll search the internets.

Still don't know what it's for! But this suit can get Pwned by Lightsabers.


The Juaggu held off against a whole buncha RMS-179 GM IIs! Render for GM IIs above. But then it eventually got pwned after a GM III decided to show up.

You see how strong that thing looks? Yeah, damn.

My review of the Juaggu.

This thing is deformed. It has a pancake head. It has cannons all over it's body. It has a deformed elephant trunk.


This crossbreed is the hellspawn of an Elephant, a Pancake Cyclops and a whole bunch of Civil War Cannons. And yet it is still irresistible. Just look at that sitting pose. Just look at that stare! You can't turn that down whenever it appears on your doorstep!

Also, you can remove the chestpiece to reveal it's frame. It's a nice frame! And when you're done checking that awesomeness out, return the frame to it's former area to remake the Mobile Suit!

I also like the snout, which you can pose. It's fingers can also move, to an extent.

Oh, and use a boomerang cutter to slice off that snout before destroying it!

If you're willing to spend about 30 bucks on this thing, then I honor you. Because you're just like me.

It seems Juaggu is a slight Squee hit on the internet. I thought so.

My bro's thinking about getting Brand...... SRSLY? Yeah, he burns stuff. Whatever.

I'm not really into LoL anymore....

But JUAGGU IS MY FAVE GUNDAM! Goodbye, and Happy Anniversary!