Monday, May 21, 2012


Days back to normal again! Why, you say? Because I don't play much Skyrim anymore. I will now play Garry's Mod "Pops out of bowl of sponges" FOREVER!!!! Because now I'm getting better at it. I added thrusters and turrets to my Airboat. I figured that if you put thrusters on the top of the Airboat too, it would balance it out. It did. Now my Airboat is 120% cooler. Seems that my Hunter-Chopper gun on my Airboat was not enough firepower. That's why I added turrets that will grind you to pieces. It ground a zombie to pieces. Only the headcrab was left. And, of course, a splatter of blood. I might upload a pic of my new Airboat, unless I upgrade it more. My character is the 1337 engineer. Born on the year 1337, this engineer, having a strange resemblance to Wallace Breen, made his lab on May 20,2012. He worked on his inventions there. On May 21,2012, the engineer made his first invention, the boost Airboat. For some reason, this engineer lives forever.
LOL backstories are cool. NAH JK DAT ISN'T HIS BACKSTORY! His backstory is: One day, I changed my character model to Wallace Breen. Then I started making stupid stuff. Da End. Pretty Boring, huh. Da End of this post too. KTHXBAI! Actually, not kthxbai. I need to tell you that I got dragon armor in skyrim. Also, the solution to the Black Mesa East elevator error is to press F6 and then F9. It should say "Loading" and then you should be able to go down the elevator. My bro ruined Black Mesa East. He spawned a Zombie and a Poison Zombie there. Now I can say KTHXBAI.

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