Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scream Fortress 2013 Thoughts.

So I read the halloween comic. And I got goosebumps. This could be the most epic Scream Fortress yet!

I won't spoil the comic for you. But here's a few hints.

1. It's not Gray Mann.

2. No Robo Halloween Bosses, probs.

And since Scream Fortress is coming soon, I want some NOTLU 2013. Get to it, Royzo.

For halloween, I got Apparition's Aspect and a Spoopy Candle. Yes, very spoopy. You can tell the quality of a candle by it's spoopiness.

Until next time, readers!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Metro Last Light: A short review

Okay guys, I'm back. With a short review on the Metro Last Light. It's kinda like Half-Life. Yes, it's that level of greatness.

I'm playing Minecraft Snapshot 1.7 right now, so this will be short.

Metro Last Light won't run well on computers with low RAM (like mine), but just lower the graphics and it definitely will be worth playing. The fight scenes are very hard and realistic, especially against other humans.

The mutants are also amazing to fight, they dodge, run around, flank, and have amazing AI.

The soundtrack of Metro Last Light will have you captivated with amazing tunes, which aren't just dubstep wub wub wub crap. It's got nice music similar to Half-Life 2's.

The weapon attachment system was great in Last Light, and I was always excited to get to the next gun market to get some new attachments on my new, shiny weapon.

Overall, this is a great game, and is well worth what it costs. You should play Metro Last Light at least once in your extremely short life! It's a survival horror, and not for the squeamish. I can't handle Outlast and Amnesia, but I can handle this, so maybe It's not that scary. Whatever. GET THIS GAME!

G'bye mates! I'll make my next review post after finishing Metro 2033. Salutations to all.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is he back?

Nope, better luck next time buddy. Just kidding. I keep forgetting to update this blog, which makes me a jerk. Well, kinda.

While I was away, my blog got 2000 more views. Which is great, for my standards.

Been checking out the Metro series, loved Metro Last Light, currently doing a playthrough of Metro 2033.
While playing DOTA 2. And TF2.

And thanks for all the views! Every single view just makes me feel more and more special, and it pushes me to make more posts!

Probably not going to post for a while, but i'm still here! I'm gonna try and post more from now on.

THANKS FOR LISTENING, CHIIILDREN! THIS IS R-DAWG! (awwwwww) And you're reading Probably Randomness Blog! And now, some music. Wait, we have no music? Darn. Sorry guys, bye.