Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kraven Manor, TF2, and maybe a hint of randomness.

Kraven Manor. Put SCP:Containment Breach's SCP-173 segments, Cry Of Fear's chills and Amnesia's Atmosphere in the cooking pot, and this is what comes out. A delicious serving of a great indie game. Once Again, I learnt about this game by watching Pewd's vid, and it seems pretty decent.
Promotional Screens 
Ok, here's a Kraven Manor pic to set the mood. No, not Draven Manor, Kraven Manor. http://media.indiedb.com/images/downloads/1/55/54325/7317833_orig.jpg 
Once you enter, you'll be treated to a nice view of the entryway. And check out that statue! It's so lifelike! Enter the library and find a model of the wine cellar! Go back to the entryway, and check out that table. Whoa, looks like placing the models manipulates the house! Go into the Wine Cellar, and then be treated to a not-so-nice-but-rather-threatening message.
And then a skeleton popped out! Nah JK, you get ambushed by THAT SAME STATUE! HOLY S@#T IT MOVES WHEN YOU'RE NOT LOOKING! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN http://images.jayisgames.com/dora_kravenmanor_3.png 
And when the Bronze Dude comes out, I think it's best for you to decide if this game is for you or not, because you're gonna have to go through a lot more bronze dude chases later in the game.

Right now, I'm validating my TF2, gonna play a lot today! Who agrees that TF2 is addictive?
No, Just Me? Aww.

Anyway, if you ignored the post before this one, I got a Genuine Steel Songbird for 80 cents.
Steel Songbird.png  

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Steam Community Is Weird.....

I bought a Genuine Steel Songbird from a guy. For 80 cents. Now please tell me that's a rubbish deal. Whatever, I got a Steel Songbird! HELLZ YEAH!
File:Steel Songbird.png
That is all. Goodbye!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Scoot is gone. Now comes the Duke Of Randomness, who is alive but dead, walking but running, standing but sitting down! Cheer but Boo for the entry of the Duke Of Randomness!

And today we shall review a rather horrible but great game! Or should I say mod! FoF, Fistful Of Frags.

Jeez, it's really hard to write in this Hot Weather! I'm literally freezing here!

Ok, there seem to be some crappy but rather great western weapons in this game! They're all western! Oh wait, hello and goodbye Scoot what are you doi-

There, I've merged with him. Now I still retain my personality, but I still have a bit of his personality and his body.

So he actually put up a good, crackerjack subject! Let's talk about FoF!

My fave weapon is the Mare's Leg! It's a sawed-off rifle, which has a short range, but has high damage!

Now that's all. Download link! RIGHT HERE!

Goodbye Subjects.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Year Walk is now on the top list of games I want!

Next to Skullgirls, Bioshock Infinite and dat sort.

But the problem? Year Walk isn't free, and I only get free games on my Ipad.

The other problems are Skullgirls is console only and Bioshock Infinite requires Windows 7.

So what is Year Walk? Well, it's based on the Swedish Mythos.

I thought it would just have a creepy atmosphere, but while sleeping over with my friend, UNEXPECTED JUMPSCARE WHEN PEWDS PLAYS! HOLY CRAP!

So I wanna get it because jumpscares. Let us go!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Crysis 2 And Dota 2

They are both great games. But the problem is my bro wants me to play Dota 2 with him, when I actually want to play Crysis 2! Geez.
Just look at the trailer and think about getting it. IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE, INCLUDING TPB! >:)

Okay, yes, I did get it off TPB. But I live in the Philippines, where I don't have a credit card that can deposit moneys into Steam. God-Frakking-Damn It.

Ok, back to the post. Now, I think a lot of you readers have played Crysis 3. It's very realistic, yes? I can't get it, because I love Windows XP too much to let it go :(

Which means I can't get Bioshock Infinite or Battlefield 3. DAMN!

Oh, side note, I played Bioshock, it's a fun game! Go DL It!
Oh, and In Dota 2, I be pro with Spectre. She's a creepy hero, but not as creepy as Shadow
Shadow Fiend.png

So which one is Spectre and which one is Shadow Fiend? Guess. Or go to the wiki, see if I care, cheater! >:(

I might catch you guys later. Hopefully, this won't be my last post.