Sunday, March 31, 2013

Got Gmod, Binding Of Issac and GTA IV + Expansion Packs on Steam!

Yesh. And GTA IV + Expansion Packs only cost 9.99 on a Steam sale. Bad luck for you guys, you just missed it. It was a weekend sale? OR DID YOU MISS IT IF YOU'RE IN A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE >:) You lucky people.

Ah Lurve Binding Of Issac. It's got a pretty nice soundtrack, which kinda sums up half of the game. Haven't downloaded GTA IV yet, but Gmod's a blast!

Goodbye Guyz!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I've Been Invited!

Horray! It seems that Valve decided to release a whole bunch of invitations to DOTA 2, and I was lucky enough to get one! Huzzah!
This is the picture I got in my email, along with a congratulation from Valve. If you're happy for me, comment. Even better, subscribe! Oh, and guess who I prayed to? God. And then the Dark Lords. And then Nyx. Seems Nyx worked.
Once I download this amazing game, I'll be happily playing DOTA 2! And maybe some League, because I got Viktor. Goodbye! And if you're on Steam, hope you get a DOTA 2 invite too!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sonic Ether and Mikeyto1o Mansion!

Long time no see, readers! Yesterday I got the Sonic Ether's shaders, and believe me, they are awesome.

You see? Map used is Mikeyto1o's Modern Island, Link Below. Use his Texture Pack too!
For those who really want their Minecraft to be awesomely realistic with the price of it being slightly slower, I'll give you a link to the Minecraft Forum page. You can switch it off and on whenever you like! I only turn it on for screenies.
Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders!

It's kinda creepy how realistic it is. If you don't like realism, then so be it. Just download a different shader pack.

I just had enough time to write this post. Thanks for reading. Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders were made by Sonic Ether and Mikeyto10's Modern Island was made by, of course, Mikeyto1o. Give them the credit. Goodbye!

Oh, and one last thing. I recommend Far Cry 3. Go buy it! It's great! It's got Hunting, Guns and best of all, a huge range of vehicles. Best game I've played.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Far Cry 3 was kinda good.

Yesh, it was. I hunted a whole lotta rare animals. And killed Buck and Vaas. In 20 hours. Easy!

So that was kind of it. I'm sorry, gotta cut it short! Goodbye for now!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Far Cry3!

File:1354615146 vaas.jpg
Yes, I will start this post with that picture. Because it is funny. 'Nuff Said.
Heavy Rocket
You can craft items in this game! Think of it as tropical realistic Minecraft with guns and other people trying to kill you.

This is my aim. Just gotta kill the Maneater. It's a Bull Shark. And I. HATE. WATER.

I also need a wallet for Moneys. I need to kill the One Horned Buffalo for this though.

Another Must-Have is a Syringe Kit. Because Drugs. Awesome Drugs that enhance your Hunting Capabilities and so on. This is the best Syringe Kit, to get it, you must kill the Black Panther.

RECURVAH BOWZ! I LOVE DIS THING! It's your best bow, so use it along with a red dot sight. The arrow quiver that you can make out of the Maneater's skin is also a must-have. But if you're an assassin that likes to assassinate from 100 meters away then you're gonna need the Marksman sight.

And while you're at it, get a Japanese Tanto. It's got a Japanese style handle and that sort, and it's stronger than the original machete.

So I'll be assassinating in FC3! Bye!



My FC3 download is kinda getting crappy, better test my internet speed.

2.22 MBs per Sec.

Kinda good?

I had my Birthday Celebration yesterday! HUZZAH! Yes, I am still 12. I just had the celebration yesterday. Tomorrow, I shall awesomely become 13! Anyways, I got a Gundam model called MSM-04G Juaggu. Apparently it's made for underwater areas.
And like all Zeon Mobile Suits, he has one eye.
(APSARAS II) front a
But is the Principality of Zeon the evil team? Yes and No.
Becuz of the Lulz. Idk.

Pictured above is the Apsalus II, the fattest Mobile Suit ever known to man.
Now this thing is even better. It's the MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander suit. It used to be my favorite suit until the Juaggu came up. It's actually a newer design which is related to the Juaggu.

This is the normal Z'Gok suit. You see the difference, right? BECUZ AZNABLE LUVZ RED!
This is the slightly older Acguy suit which the Z'Gok suit was half based on.
The other half of the Z'Gok suit was based on the Gogg suit.

The Acguy suit was the base for 2 other suits.
MSM-04N Agguguy
The Agguguy.....

And wait for it.....
The Juaggu.

I wasn't expecting the Juaggu to have such a long trunk. I wonder what that's for? I guess it's for breathing air, because it's made for underwater work. BUT SOME OF THE OTHER SUITS ARE MADE FOR UNDERWATER WORK AND THEY DON'T HAVE A TRUNK! So it can't be! I'll search the internets.

Still don't know what it's for! But this suit can get Pwned by Lightsabers.


The Juaggu held off against a whole buncha RMS-179 GM IIs! Render for GM IIs above. But then it eventually got pwned after a GM III decided to show up.

You see how strong that thing looks? Yeah, damn.

My review of the Juaggu.

This thing is deformed. It has a pancake head. It has cannons all over it's body. It has a deformed elephant trunk.


This crossbreed is the hellspawn of an Elephant, a Pancake Cyclops and a whole bunch of Civil War Cannons. And yet it is still irresistible. Just look at that sitting pose. Just look at that stare! You can't turn that down whenever it appears on your doorstep!

Also, you can remove the chestpiece to reveal it's frame. It's a nice frame! And when you're done checking that awesomeness out, return the frame to it's former area to remake the Mobile Suit!

I also like the snout, which you can pose. It's fingers can also move, to an extent.

Oh, and use a boomerang cutter to slice off that snout before destroying it!

If you're willing to spend about 30 bucks on this thing, then I honor you. Because you're just like me.

It seems Juaggu is a slight Squee hit on the internet. I thought so.

My bro's thinking about getting Brand...... SRSLY? Yeah, he burns stuff. Whatever.

I'm not really into LoL anymore....

But JUAGGU IS MY FAVE GUNDAM! Goodbye, and Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Music Is My Only Friend!

I got so much music I'm listening to. They're all pretty good. But most of the music isn't really to my taste.
I like aggressive uptempo music a lot, but I still like a few of those nice soothing tracks.

So indeed, here are some nice, soothing tracks that may or may not have been mentioned in the last few posts.
Unforseen Consequences: After going through the vents and returning the power to the elevator, you get the reward of being able to press the button to make it go down. Not much of a reward, but it helps you continue the story. After the press, you get to listen to this song while whackin' Headcrabs that invade your descent. It's kinda sad and kinda stimulating at the same time.

Office Complex: One of the tracks that didn't make it in :( Still a great track, and I like the sad beat.

End Credits Part 2: O.K, I know I mentioned this one before. But still! I like it, what more is there to say?

There are lots of scary moments in HL, and some unsettling moments. And some exciting scary moments!

Here are the moments that got to the top of my list in the Half-Life series!

Scary: Icthyosaur. 'Nuff Said.

Unsettling: Old Mc'Gordon had a Barn, E I E I OH! And In That Barn He Had An Advisor, E I E I OH! With a "CRACK CRACK" here, and a Cracked Neck there! Here a "CRACK" there a "CRACK" everywhere a "CRACK CRACK"

Exciting Scary: Lowlife Finale! It was quite frightening, once I finally got into the elevator (During which I think one of my lungs popped), I had 3 Zombines and 6 Fast Zombies scratching at the door of the elevator. I got away though.

Has anyone other than me noticed that there are always creepy zombie levels in the HL2 series?

Half Life 2: Ravenholm

Half Life 2-EP1: Lowlife

Half Life 2-EP2: Freeman Pontifex

But after doing these levels once, they're not really scary anymore. I can get through Ravenholm in 20 minutes without flinching!

Lowlife, even the first time, Meh.

Freeman Pontifex had sunlight, but it was still just as scary as Ravenholm. I mean, going through that factory which doubles as your first encounter with Fast Zombie Torsos, I mean, what's worse? Oh right. Dead Space 3.

In Apprehension during that Ichthyosaur part in BMS, I thought: "Ok, this is it. Time to jump in that pool for an insane boss battle. Ok, here I go! AAAAAAAH GET AWA- Oh, you're already dead. Well that was easy."
BMS kinda ruined the panic whenever you meet Ickys!

I stopped playing HL1 right after my third Icky encounter. I was like, OMG, Icky, got no weapons except for grenades and a crowbar, screw this. After about 3 months of building up courage, I threw grenades to weaken it and then pwned it with a crowbar.
I remember my alter ego. I used to be El Groucho!

My brother was El Rotten Tomato.

And my smallest brother was Obstockio.

El Groucho's enemy was El Hitlor.

And Obstockio's enemy was Negastockio!

So while pondering about why our alter egos were weird, go on and scoot!


I got a gain and a loss today. First of all, it's my birthday party today! HELL YEAH GONNA HOG ALL DA PRESUUNTZ! But enough acting like a dorky kid, it's time to turn into a teenage gamer.
And I shall do that by removing all of my mods and play this new map! (Of course I'm backing up my mods)
Posted Image 
Gloria! Ees Beutiful. Because my Graphics Card got busted, I'm gonna need to remove all of my mods. They just slow my MC down! But Gloria should be an interesting experience.
Posted Image 
It's got Caves!

And it's got about 2-3 hours of Gameplay! I can't wait to try it!

Wait, WTF? My Minecraft crashed. Okay, so I guess I WON'T be playing this map then :(

But how about Halo CE? Will it work? Probably so, but I can't decide :(

And I found a Firefight map! For Halo CE! The pause menu is the buy menu. I've played Halo Reach firefight before. It was fun. I equipped myself with an Assault Rifle and a Rocket Launcher, and I threw myself into the fight! I also got some warthogs so my friend and I could go around destroying Covenant.

EDIT: Got Minecraft working and played the map. Kinda good. 9/10

I hope my adventures are good, and I bid thee farewell!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Far Cry Tres!

Next game up for grabs is FC3!

But will it be epic? Punching Sharks, Wingsuits, Bows, Hunting! A quick answer is: "Yes."

It's one of the few fps's where your character isn't part of the army or a criminal or etc. He's just your average Joe who got captured by pirates all because of a misleading DJ. Named Jason!

And now they're gonna be sold into slavery. So what are they gonna do? ESCAPE, OF COURSE!
So after a bit of stealth and that kinda thing, Jason's older brother, pictured above, gets shot! IN DA NECK!!!111!!!!
So you run! Until a helicopter destroys a bridge and you fall! And Fall. And Fall.

I'll leave you to play the rest!

So you buy weapons from Malaysians. Could this get any better? Yes! HUNTING! As mentioned before.
The Shredder is the best weapon if you're hunting bears. Just spray the Bear and it's dead in seconds.
File:FC Screenshot 1.jpg
Or if you're into more exotic types of hunting, then you might want to try the bow.1000px-Rook islands
We begin our adventures in the North Island! Yes, there is more than 1 Island.
Animal Wildlife includes Dingoes, who will eat your babies.

Also Cassowaries, which have devastating attacks.


New Suits In DS3 And Gmod!

In Two More Days, the greatness comes! ANNIVERSARY OF BLOG BEGINNINGS! Although my first post was the worst post ever made. I'm kinda embarrassed about it right now even! (#^_^#).
Okay, but enough chit chat, after a short intermission, we talk about suits!
I'm back! With more awesomeness!
Engineering suit DS3
This is the new suit I got! Great, isn't it? I love it too. Although it may look slightly junky, this thing is an antique of the past, which shows my veteran skillz. I also trekked out my weapons with my new upgrade nodes. Now it can kill an Enhanced Slasher in seconds!

Best 5 themes that hit some parts of my heart with shrapnel?

5: End Credits 2.
It's a great theme which starts kinda like a Japanese guitar but then includes violins. This truly meant something to me when I finished Black Mesa.

4: Estate Betrayal.
Yeah, I know! Call Of Duty IS CRAP! But this song was just one of the best. In another game, this would really mean something. But with the crappy environment of COD, I just can't cry at that part.

3: Vortal Combat.
This hit my heart in an epic way. It got my heart racing like hell, so it's another way of hitting my heart. Unlike the sad songs.


2: Turret Opera.
Spoilers indeed. After finishing Portal 2, I got to see this awesomeness. If you even dared to go past the Spoiler Alert, then get ready for 1!

You guys may not agree with me on this choice, but number 1.....


1: Black Mesa Theme.
Yeah, I know, short and weird, for an action game. But it's kinda sad that all of Gordon's fellow scientists are dying and he's gotta save the world! This song has a special place in my heart.

So that's it! Goodbye!


Monday, March 4, 2013

I need something epic to talk about!

Like the Elite suit!
File:Elite suit DS3.jpg
The most epic suit in Dead Space 3! AND I GOT IT!

Most epic moment in Dead Space 3? Chapter 16! Going down those cliffs while my brothers were playing Dominion in LoL? That must be an epic moment.
First level where you meet Alien Necromorphs too. Can it get any better? Well, you're rappelling off a cliff while fighting them. And you're also fighting Unitologists and Enhanced Leapers. And I got an amazingly tough MG.

Weirdest level was Reach For The Sky. The fight with the Snow Beast was annoying because of that danged error.

The first level of Dead Space Extraction is also pretty creepy.

Fighting the Nexus was easier than I thought it would be! The Brother Moon was harder though.

So that's all I got! Goodbai!

Gmod Showcase!

Time To Show You Guys The RP Props!
AND The Vending Machine!

Here I've set up a living room.

Here we have a gaming area, office, you decide!

And the Cracky Pop vending machine in all it's glory!
Every song in Black Mesa is so awesome.

I've already talked about the Top 5, so that doesn't matter anymore.